Starting point of this picturesque hike is in Broc. After leaving the village (direction Charmey) you have to turn right into a little forest path and park your car there. The hike is an easy one. It takes you through different footbridges and tunnels next to the Jogne river. It was the first hike that I did when we moved here and I absolutely adored it. First time I ent in autumn and there was not too many people so I enjoyed it even more. It tends to be quite busy in summer during holiday time.
In the end there’s quite a lot of steps that will take you to a breathtaking Montsalvens Dam (constructed in 1920) on the Montsalvens Lake.
Perfect for whole families. The Jogne gorges are a connection between Broc and Charmey or if you want to prolong your hike you can even start in Gruyères .
Practical information:
Starting point: Broc (720 m)
Target: Montsalvens Dam (801 m)
Tip: Prolong your hike until Charmey with ‘Tour du Lac’ path. Not to go the same way back you can take a path up from the dam and go next to some pretty chalets and then back to Broc.
Text: Agnieszka Wajs